Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Scenes from the Fire: Evacuations

Align CenterBahay Toro Fire 13
The fire destroyed more than 100 houses in the slums of Bahay Toro, Quezon City on December 15, 2008. Since it was a depressed area, the streets were very narrow, and the evacuations of people and possessions became difficult. Thankfully no one was killed, but there were five injured. The fire started at noon, which, according to the residents was still a blessing. Had the fire happened at night, many would have surely been killed by the disaster.

One of the things I observed while photographing these scenes was the Pinoy's inherent liking for camera exposure. Despite the disaster, many still wore smiles whenever interviewed by the TV networks. The teenagers more so, and they gleefully pose in front of cameras.

Presumably, the material possessions lost are not too great as many of them are poor with only very few possessions. They can certainly recover within a few weeks or months. But to be caught smiling on TV is quite a pride to many of them.

Bahay Toro Fire 14
Clothings and beddings

Fire in Bahay Toro 9
This old lady managed to save only one prized possession: an antique heirloom Crucifix

Bahay Toro Fire 15
Saving the most favorite appliance in the house

Bahay Toro Fire 3
The TV must be saved at all cost! This young man saved his TV first, forgetting that he didn't even save a shirt.

Bahay Toro Fire 12

Bahay Toro Fire 14
Saving baby

Bahay Toro Fire 21
This couple just lost their house and all their material possessions, but they saved their three little puppies, and they were happy just for that. They don't have kids yet so they treat the puppies as their own children. They now take shelter temporarily at the Barangay Hall.

Bahay Toro Fire 2
Happily saving a chair, a box, and a tray

Bahay Toro Fire 19
The ill must be evacuated immediately

Bahay Toro Fire 10

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