Check out this phone.... It's called the Pomegranate Phone and it puts the IPhone to shame.
Have you ever had an important business meeting with an international client, and needed to brush up on their language? Use the Pomegranate Phone....
Need to project a business presentation, or have you ever wanted to project a movie onto your living room wall with full "HD" quality? Use the Pomegranate Phone....
Have you ever been running late for that important meeting, and left the house before shaving your face? Use the Pomegranate Phone....
Ever need a quick pick me up? Needed that last minute cup of coffee? Need a phone that can make a single serve cup of coffee? Use your Pomegranate Phone....
Finally, ever been hanging out with a group of friends when they break out into an improvisational jam session? Need a harmonica? Use your Pomegranate Phone....
Click on the phone below to go to the Pomegranate Phone website for an amazing presentation.... But remember, something this good must come with a catch....

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