The night was cold and rainy, brought about by the snares of typhoon Julian, which fortunately did not hit Manila directly. Julian has apparently left the country, but the monsoon rains continued, and let itself be felt, sometimes with a soft drizzle, and oftentimes lashing its fury with a heavy rainfall.
On times like these, one must not be caught without an umbrella or raincoat, lest it spoil a well-ironed attire or take a toll on one's health. I myself do not wear raincoats, and I have an amnesia when it comes to umbrellas. I always forget my umbrella, and I have numerous umbrellas left in the Jeepneys, cinema houses, hotels, taxicabs, and virtually everywhere else.
I really do not quite know the reason why. I am a professional, a master's degree holder if you will, yet my mind cannot fathom why I'm so forgetful of simple stupid things like umbrellas. And not only of umbrellas, also of ballpens and cellphones. All these things just disappear from me and nowhere to be found. Indeed, had I counted all the ballpens and umbrellas lost from me, I could have built a store full of umbrellas and ballpens. I had a classmate once who only had two ballpens in her whole sophomore year. At the end of the school year, the two ballpens still had a quarter of an ink in them. How much she had saved and how much money I lost only God knows. Yet, I think of her as nerd, although it's quite obvious that I was the one with an issue.
Two nights ago, as heavy rains were lashing out in Cubao, I went to Farmer's Plaza to shop for an umbrella. I wanted a unique-looking umbrella, one that easily snaps open upon pressing the button of the handle. The kindly and pretty saleslady offered me a long black one, similar to the one being used by old Englishmen. I am not old, I protested, and I do not need yet an umbrella that doubles like a walking cane. Actually, there were many umbrellas to choose from: from the stylish umbrellas with sculpted head of duck as a handle, to the neon-colored ones which can invite lightnings when you use them on stormy afternoons.
Finally, after several minutes of careful assessment, I narrowed my choice to the folded umbrellas, and chose one which was small, lightweight, and colored blue. It was also quite expensive, at 350 pesos. Yet, it fits into my kind of personality and lifestyle. I could bring it with me anytime anywhere without being noticed by the curious prying eyes of gossipy people, who look into men with umbrellas as gays. I am not gay, but I also did not want to get soaked when it rained.
And so, after paying in the cashier for my 132nd(?) umbrella, I proceeded to go out of Farmer's to test my umbrella's efficiency. But for the life of me, not a single drop of rain was coming from the heavens. The rain apparently had stopped a few minutes ago, just in time when I was about to leave Farmer's. Great chance. I stood momentarily and anxiously waited and waited and still no rain. I was so excited to use my brand new umbrella but as it turned out, it has now only become a burden in me. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man with an umbrella wide open. In the sudden stoppage of rain, the poor gentleman forgot to close his umbrella.
It was the precedent. I bravely opened my umbrella, and proceeded to Aurora Boulevard, never minding the curious onlookers, grinning at me, while I was using an umbrella on a rainless night.

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