Sunday, December 5, 2010

Passion for Radiology

This thought struck me when few days back was discussing radiology versus other specialities to some interns following their entrance examination results. Was kind of surprised at the fact that girl who had topped was considering radiology as an option (usual practise in India, radiology is one of the top choices), however, was afraid that would it be boring? Another hardcore medicine aspirant intern actually believed radiology was not worth it.  

For a person like me who is really passionate about Radiology and am totally in love with the subject, this was surprising for sure. Possibly we radiologists are so busy in our (black and white) world, and we never really bother to influence and educate medical students about our speciality. Boring is probably the last world i would describe my life as a radiologist. And to add to it please note “I am not an interventional radiologist” Some how, these days whenever, i am discussing career with medical students from DAMS most of them say –“ok i may take radiology and then take intervention to keep my clinical side going”.  What i want them to understand is Radiology per se (yes diagnostic radiology) is thrilling, if you  have ever felt the thrill while playing chess or solving a puzzle or finding our way out or you just love computers and their capabilities, diagnostic radiology has it all. We get the same thrill in diagnosing a lesion, yes  same as the surgeon who removes it. We feel  the same as surgeon when dissect things layer by layer on our 3D work stations. We seamlessly in a day of work, think of pancreatic tumours, hirayama disease, perinephric abscesses and hip dysplasia. We know of developmental changes in the human anatomically similar to paediatricians and with ultrasounds we know similar to gynaecologists about their domains. Thrilling is what would best describe an active radiology practise.

Add to these, time for your own life, no night calls (if you choose so), possibility of teleradiology practise (sit at home and carry work with you), technology advancing at lightning pace and yes interventional radiology if want surgical thrills as well, Radiology is career with more merits that just possibility of better income/salary that most medical students believe. 

My own recommendation to MCI would be possible compulsory  radiology rotation and exams about radiology in Final MBBS in India, while at best in most colleges radiology is an optional subject. Think of it what would help a general physician more in 5years time knowledge of ophthalmology, cataract operations!! Or merits of various imaging modalities. 

Think of it. 

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

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