Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bad Radiology in Comics-Great Post on The Polite Dissent

I came across this one in the Blog known as the Polite Dissent and couldnt stop laughing, real entertaining one.. Its all about Common Comic Book Writer Medical Errors
Here is a select part of the post dealing with Radiological Errors in comic books, Dont forget to read the whole article its a must read!!

Bad Radiology

"One of the trickier aspects of medicine to learn is which radiology study to order when. For certain situations, an x-ray is best. For others, a CT scan or MRI is betters. Sometimes, a less common test such as a myelogram or PET scan may be the right choice.Writers will often choose the incorrect test for the situation, and their most common choice seems to be the plain old x-ray. It’s certainly understandable that a layperson would call everything an “x-ray”, but don’t put those words in the mouths of doctors, who would certainly know better.Notable bad examples: Mutopia X #5, Phantom #1408, Amazing Spider-Man #3, Strange Tales #115.

Sometimes the artist is to blame, drawing x-rays or other films that are anatomically impossible, or are far from realistic.Notable bad example: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #192 "

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