Monday, January 29, 2007

Lemen Law 2007

Ok, I'll give this blog thing another shot. I might move it soon, seeing that MySpace is trying to make money off of the people who write blogs on their site by putting Google Adwords ads below the blogs. Power to the people! Down with the man!

Colleen and I were talking a little bit about religion the other night, and started talking about those hardcore religious zealots that re-elected George W. Bush, and how those hardcore religious zealots are primarily in the middle states and have not seriously infected the liberal east and west coasts....

Well, they're heeeeeeeeeeerrrre.......

I'm all for free speech, but I love stories about crazy old women more. Especially if the crazy old women live about ten miles from me.....

Anne Lemen, a Balboa Island resident, is bringing her case for free speech to the California Supreme Court. An innocent Christian woman, just trying to make the world a better place, right?. She wants the world to know that the Village Inn on Balboa Island, is mafia, as are her former husband and the guards at a local church, and the police are in cahoots. Oh yeah, and she claims that the Village Inn has tried to murder her.

Ms. Lemen has reportedly videotaped the Village Inn's customers, told patrons that the bar makes sex videos, dabbles in child pornography, distributes illegal drugs, encourages lesbian activities, has mafia links, is a whorehouse and sells tainted food.

By the way, Colleen, make reservations at the Village Inn on Balboa Island for about 8:00 tonight.....

The owner has said that she once parked in front of his restaurant and blasted the horn for 30 minutes nonstop, and on another evening he watched as passersby scanned his window menu and fled after Lemen told them the food was poisonous and the place was filled with rats.

Lemen reportedly told her interviewer, "There have been four attempts on my life, and the police refuse to investigate because they are part of the bar."

Well, a judge has ordered her to stop bugging the patrons and making accusations that the Village Inn is not a reputable establishment.

Her recent appeal is taking her case for free speech to the Supreme Court of California. Her Christian friends describe her as a cross between Florence Nightingale, Joan of Arc and Erin Brockovich.

To add to Ms. Lemen's crazy religious zealot status:

1. Her garden contains a large stone Bible with Christian verses and a small lighthouse with the words "The Lord Is Our Light." Little booklets about Christianity, titled "Smile, Jesus Loves You," are there for passersby to pick up.

2. She also hangs a large silver circle emblazoned with an eagle and the words "In God We Trust." She said she put it up after hearing that civil libertarians opposed the mention of God on money.

3. Lemen popped a videotape into her VCR for the reporter, to show scenes of crowds of young adults in the early-morning hours outside the bar several years ago. A young woman in the crowd wore a halter top.

"Look at how she dresses," Lemen gasped.

4. She puts on her crown and holds her torch high, as she puts her arm around her front yard Statue of Liberty (holding a Holy Bible) and belts out religious hymns for passersby.

Well, it is interesting to note that Ms. Lemen is waiting for her appeal in a gated, adult community miles from Balboa Island.

I'll try to keep everbody updated on "Lemen Law 2007"!

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