Monday, May 28, 2007

I Feel Great To be A Filipino...Sometimes

I was tagged by my friend Gerry about what makes me feel great being a Filipino. I was dumbfounded because there are times when I feel great to be a Filipino and there are times when I feel depressed that I'm a Filipino.

Well, I feel great to be a Filipino when:

1. I see the natural beauty of our Philippines. The beautiful countrysides, the spreading beaches, the beautiful sunsets, the valleys, the natural wonders of of our beautiful country. We may not have the Grand Canyon, the Yosemite, the Disneyland, but I will never exchange our natural wonders with them.
2. I read in the history books the noble deeds of our great heroes like Mabini, Bonifacio, or Rizal.
3. I realize that brown skin is the best skin to have. Brown is beautiful. I don't need skin whiteners. I feel great to be brown! Hahahah!

But then, I feel depressed being a Filipino when:

1. I see bad politicians being elected into office( I heard that one of the Mayors in Cebu who has been charged with overpricing the city lamposts- so he could get a big kickback-has been reelected) Grrrrr!
2. I see Filipinos leaving the Philippines for good, immigrating to other countries....while wealthy foreigners flock to our country to enjoy our resources.
3. I travel to the Visayas, and from my airplane I see the massive deforestation caused by obnoxious loggers who should be punished with garrote
4. I watch the television and see Filipino movie stars talk "Well, you know naman na need ko mag-reduce nang fat noh?" I feel devastated how they murder the beautiful Tagalog language.
5. I pick up the newspapers, and read about the poverty of the Filipinos... then a few pages later I look at the Lifestyle section and see the lavish weddings of movie stars, pulitikos, that costs millions of pesos, and sometimes attended by the President of the Philippines.

There are more...and more....but I don't want to go further..I'm sick to the stomach

Well, I have been tagged...I have to answer honestly...I feel proud to Be a Filipino! Well, sometimes!

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