Friday, March 6, 2009


I get a radical republican e-mail every month or so. They're selling these stickers and I don't think they're very happy with Obama.... Come on, the guy has been President for a little over a month! How come he hasn't solved everything?!?!?!?!

Can we stop saying that Sarah Palin is our number one choice for President of the United States of America?

I was listening to NPR this morning, and during a discussion about gun control, a sheriff who was interviewed said that "not allowing residents to have guns in their homes, would be similar to letting a fat guy loose in a candy store", referring to the eagerness of the burglars to steal from homes that are not protected by their owners. I can't have a gun, because I would hurt myself.... If someone was going to break into my house, I guarantee you that by the time I found my gun, loaded the gun, and got ready to shoot, I would have shot myself in the leg..... Maybe twice.....

I am glad that there are police departments out there to protect me....... As imperfect as they are sometimes, I think that they're better at keeping the peace than I am.

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