Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Marilyn Monroe Photo

So, Mr. Lawrence Nicastro owned a service station in the Bronx for many years of his life. In 1962, a customer dropped off a car for service and never returned. Mr. Nicastro eventually emptied the contents of the car into a storage unit and sold the car.

When recently looking through the contents of the car placed in the storage unit, he found a rare picture of Marilyn Monroe, nude, hitchhiking, in heels, with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Mr. Nicastro decided to do a little research and got in touch with Mr. Chris Harris, a publicist and Marilyn Monroe expert. Over four months, Mr. Harris verified the authenticity of the Marilyn Monroe photo.

Mr. Nicastro and Mr. Harris set up a press conference, prepared to soak in the praise and the dollars from the press for this rare photo. The day before the press conference, they decided to give the Associated Press reporters a sneak peek. When the sheet was taken off of the rare Marilyn Monroe photo, one Associated Press reported cocked his head quizzically and said "Hey, that’s Madonna." Mr. Harris sheepishly looked at the photo one more time and said "You’re right, it’s Madonna."

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