Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Stories about X-Ray Vision and Superman

While there are devices currently extant which can "see" through clothing, these are quite bulky and it is unlikely that any "X-ray goggles" could be made with modern technology.

"In fictional stories, X-ray vision has generally been portrayed as the ability to see through layers of objects at the discretion of the holder of this superpower. The goal is usually to see through clothing, usually to determine if someone is carrying a concealed weapon, but sometimes for more salacious reasons.
The best known figures with "x-ray vision" are the fictional superhero Superman who once had a heat producing function before that power was separated as heat vision, and the protagonist of the 1963 film X (aka X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes).
At least in the first Superman movie, Superman's X-ray vision could see through female character Lois Lane's clothing to see the color of her underwear. This implies it had nothing to do with actual X-rays, since color is a matter of spectral properties at optical frequencies. In the movie Superman Returns, Superman uses the X-ray vision to see into the interior of Lois Lane's body in order to check for internal injuries."


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